Actamid is a China based company offering quality folding bikes, tandem bikes, and Sport equipment supplying the gloable via online retail and wholesale buyers. All our goods are directly from our factory in China without the middlemen so we are able to offer the most competitive price and strict quality control as well.

We have more than 10 years experience in providing cycling and mobility products,so we are confident of our ability to deliver great quality of product. Actamid always ensures our customer service is second to none, which is why our customers always come back again!

We offer tailored OEM solutions as well, so those customers with large orders can have your own products customization and your own packaging requirements, and we can arrange the delivery of your own products directly to your own warehouse.

Nowadays, it’s important for us to live a low-carbon life, more and more people use bikes instead of cars for their main transportation. We believe our bicycles and mobility products will make your movement more convenient, and our Tandem bikes will make your riding easier and much more fun.